
HomeCompetitionRules of play

Check out basic competition information and rules for mini handball.


categorytime of the matchball sizecategorytime of the matchball size
MH (2008)2 x 15 min56 cmWH (2008)2 x 15 min54 cm
MG (2009)2 x 15 min56 cmWG (2009)2 x 15 min54 cm
MF (2010)2 x 15 min56 cmWF (2010)2 x 15 min52 cm
ME (2011)2 x 15 min54 cmWE (2011)2 x 15 min52 cm
MD (2012)2 x 15 min52 cmWD (2012)2 x 15 min50 cm
MC (2013)2 x 15 min50 cmWC (2013)2 x 15 min50 cm
MB (Mini 2014)2 x 8 min48 cmWB ( Mini 2014)2 x 8 min48 cm
MA (Mini 2015)2 x 8 min48 cmWA (Mini 2015)2 x 8 min48 cm


1.) The competition takes place under the rules of the Handball Federation Slovenia.

2.) The winner in the preliminary competition is the team that:

a) wins a greater number of points.

b) in case of equal number of points, decision on the order of the results of mutual matches is based on:

  • the number of points in their mutual matches,
  • goal difference in their matches,
  • more performance goals in their matches,
  • total goal difference and the total number of goals achieved.

In case the teams are still tied, we will draw the winner.

3.) Time out

During qualifications a »time out« is not allowed. Time out is only allowed during the final matches.

4.) Final matches

If the match ends with the outcome of the event, penalties are carried as follows:

  • each team has five penalty (different players),
  • in case of re-uniformity are carried penalties up to the final winner (penalty can be performed by the same player).
5.) Jersey or. dress

In case both teams wear the uniforms of equal colors, the first mentioned team must change them with another color.

6.) Delay or not coming to the match

If the team appears within 15 min after the beginning of the match with unjustified reasons or does not come to the match, loses with the score of 0:6.

If the team is late or fails to appear twice, it loses with the score of 0:6 and is excluded from further competitions.

7.) Verification of the identity of players

Verification of the identity of individual players is carried out at the request of team’s management and by the judges before the match. The player can be identified only with passport or identity card. If a player does not have a corresponding document of identification, he/she cannot start the match, except in the case of agreement between the head of the team and the lead judges, that document is delivered within 30 minutes after the end of the match and then the identification is made. If it is proven that the player does not correspond to the category in which he/ she plays, the player is excluded from further competition. Before every match the team leader/ coach must a list of players bring to the playground before the match, because this is a part of the official report of the match (for appropriate form contact the press center).

8.) Complaints

An appeal of complaint in written form with a deposit of 100 € must be submitted immediately after the match at the secretary desk or latest within one hour after the match in the “Press center”. A Disciplinary Board will consider all complaints. In case the appeal is resolved favorably, the deposit is returned.

9.) Disciplinary measures (on the handball courts and next to the courts)

Leadership of the contest or the disciplinary board actions in the event of complaints, disciplinary offences or in case of non-sporting behavior (fighting, criticism…) of players or management of teams that occur during the competitions in playgrounds or outside them.

In the event of non-sporting behavior of players or team management, a physical attack on the judges or the counter party players, the player or the team manager is reported to the disciplinary commission and can be punishable by a ban on playing one match. In the event of serious misconduct non-sporting behavior, player can be excluded from competitions with the tournament. If non-sporting behavior of the player or team manager has been penalized with reminders or was banned to play one match repeats, he or she is excluded from the tournament.

All participants in the tournament must not play with a ball, smoke and drink alcoholic beverages in the accommodation facilities (schools, student hostels, hotels). In case of violation of this rule, the team is warned, if the offence is repeated again the team is excluded from the tournament without refund of all the costs. Teams that are accommodated in schools or student homes must respect house rules and follow the instructions of the school management or the official person on duty. In the school premises, cooking is strictly prohibited.

The leader of the team (responsible adult person) must always accompany minor players (under 18 years).

10.) Deposit

All teams, except those who sleep in hotels, are obliged to pay caution at arrival in the amount of 150 €/ team, which is returned upon departure. The deposit of the team is not repaid in case the team causes material damage or if the team does not attend planned matches.

11.) Medical care / health insurance

Teams are upon arrival obliged to deliver a list of all participants with the following information: name, date and place of birth, address of residence, number of identity document. All participants must have arranged international health and accident insurance, as the organizer does not provide any costs of treatment. The organizer ensures that there is medical stuff on each playground, which provides emergency medical assistance in case of injuries during the competitions.

All participants take part in the event at their own risk. The organizer does not take responsibility for unforeseen events before, during and after the completion of the tournament.


Born in 2012 and 2013

Competition rules
Rules for this age category are based on rules of the International Handball Federation (IHF) and Handball Federation of Slovenia.
For a better and »cleaner« game, we want the teams (trainers) to follow the following recommendations in the game: personal defense, prohibition of fauling defenders with embrace, keeping an attacker without a ball.

Rule 1 – Playground
The competition takes place at the school gym, the dimensions of the playground are approx. 28m x 15m.

Rule 2 – Game time
The playing time is 2 x 8 minutes. Between game is 4 minutes for break.

Rule 3 – Goal
The size of the goals is 300 cm x 180 cm.

Rule 4 – Ball
Category 2014 can play with a ball of 48 cm, number 0. The category 2015 can play, with the agreement of both trainers, with ball of 46 cm, number of ball 00. The ball must be made of soft materials with good grip.

Rule 5 – Team
The team consists of up to 8 players. At the beginning of the game, each team must have 5 players on the court, one of them is a goalkeeper.

Rule 6 – Equipment
Players of one team must wear uniform and panties, which clearly distinguish themselves from the opponent’s color. The team can also play with marking t-shirts.

Rule 7 – Exclusions
An excluded player can return to the game as soon as the opposing team reaches a goal. Exclusion can take up to 1 minute.

Rule 8 – Start of the game
Referee and team representatives do the draw, where one team choose the ball, the other team has the right to choose the site. Team which choose the ball in a draw has to make the starting shut at the beginning of the game. The starting shot is performed by the goalkeepe from the goalkeeper’s space.
At the beginning of the second half, the teams are changed by the sides, and the starting shut has the other team.

Rule 9 – Fouls and unsportsmanlike behavior
A. In the defense is not allowed:
– a player attempts to tear the ball out of the opponent’s hand,
– the player can not hug the opponent who has the ball,
– the player can not jump to the attacker
B. The following “violations” are permitted in the defense for preventing play-offs and goal-shoots:
– the defensive player with his hands establishes a physical contact with the opponent “hand-hip”
– the defensive player controls and monitors the attacker by extrusion, but he can not push the attacker

Rule 10 – Other special rules
a. Teams must use individual (personal) defense, so each player is responsible for monitoring his attacker over the entire playing area. If the team fails to comply with this rule, the judge first warns them. If they still persist in an unlawful defense formation (using zone defense), the judge punishes the team by excluding the official of the team (trainer).
b. If a judge excludes an official, the official can remain on the bench for players but in this case the team plays one minute with the player less – (see the Rule 7).
c. After the goal, the game continues without an initial shot. Goalkeeper from the goalkeeper’s room throw the ball to the player. In the event that a player is in the immediate vicinity of goalkeeper’s space, the defender must allow an unobstructed reception of the ball.
d.After exercising a free shot, the player performing it must be at least 2m away from the goalkeeper’s space.
e. Both teams have to welcome eachother before and after the match.

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EUROFEST d.o.o., sport agency
Ulica 15. maja 21, 6000 Koper, Slovenija
Fax: (00386)-5-640-41-10

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